Wednesday, January 25, 2006


This is one of my favorite poems...
It brings back a lot of memories for me... my friend gave it to me at a time when i didnt even know who David Duchovny was... she used to be a quite a X-Files fan and she made it a point to make me watch it too.....
This post is dedicated to her...

home is where my heart is, and my heart is out travelling
up into that wild blue yonder, wingless, prayerful
that this miracle of light will not end just yet
also at home with you, on the ground
wherever you might be at the moment, grounded like a high schooler
like a wire, a bird and a wire, feet on the ground
and my heart is in my throat now, now in my feet
lawfully descending with gravity, to the lower lowest
most sought after most beautiful bound home
aspirations involve reparations
we reach for the stars, wondering what we are
but my reason has been found, by finding youand looking down
and it is there not in the stars of the fantasized worlds
fifth dimensions, sixth senses, holy parallel potentates
of potentialities, that my feet will trace their slow
as history itself dance. A walking calligraphy so subtle
that it'll take forty years and more, and a view from above
with and impersonal remove and a lofty attachment
i hope to barely fail at that mythical two backed beast
itinerant states like the one i enjoy here
up here in the well attended air
to read the cursive strokes of my aggregate footsteps
like some fairytale dissolve, "once upon a time" or twice
written on our little page of earth ground
wherever our home may be, will be,
wherever we happen to be

Sometimes parents can be wrong too...

People spend too much of the money they haven’t earned… to buy things they don’t need… to impress people they don’t like!!!
- Will Smith
This is the first thing that comes to my mind when I see kids these days. I am not saying all kids are extravagant but unfortunately too many are. And I feel that the blame for this falls less on the kids and more on their parents… when you say no for something to the child I think that should remain a no even if the child cribs. Parents know what’s best for their children and a child’s cribbing doesn’t make a wrong thing right so why do parents change their mind… parents themselves encourage tantrums this way. It might look cute to some when the kid is small (though to me it doesn’t look cute then too) but as the kid grows these tantrums take shape of irresponsibility and disrespect… and then it would be the parents turn to crib that their child is misbehaving!!
Parents always want to give their children the best of everything… but with this it is important that they pay some attention to making the child realize the value of what is being giving. My parents have never put it in to words that I should be careful about the way I spend… but yes they do expect me to be careful about what am I spending on. May be most parents are not like this… but recently I have come across way too many pampered spoilt brats… and depressed parents who keep wondering what made the child lose track… when the reason is obvious the kid knows all he/she needs to get things going his way is throw tantrums…


I was with my friend talking about the ups and downs of relationships and the carelessness with which the word “Love” is used… she handed me a newspaper and asked me to read an article “Monogamy Redefined”…
I have always thought that I am kind of conservative but this time I got the shock of my life… the article was about couples being fine with their partners having extra marital affairs, talking about their crushes and a few more things of this sort. This was talked of as a way of having a “happily ever-after…” marriage……… well happy future is ensured by a happy present and if u are happy with your spouse what exactly was the reason for straying?! Also this is to prevent long term straying… huh?! Anything left for straying?!
I found it strange that marriage is taken more as a social obligation than a life long companionship… I don’t even understand what “marriage” means in this case. Being honest is good… but does honesty give you a license to get away with anything?! It’s like confessions would make your sins vanish. Freedom to talk about your crushes… this seems to be the weirdest part to me. First of all I don’t understand exactly how many people can you be with at one time?!?! Appreciating someone is one thing and having an affair another… and people it’s all in the name of trust… the spouse knows it and has absolutely no objections… HA! Why get married at all?!?!?!
I still can’t believe it’s actually happening… whoever calls the society unaccepting… if this kind of a thing is acceptable little remains to be rejected… no wait a sec… stealing and killing has yet to be legalized and lying has yet to be moralized. I can’t think of any person I know who’d be able to tolerate this concept (whatever it is!!!) and I am proud of my acquaintances for that. But I wonder what kind of people follow this… live with this so called “happily ever after”…

Monday, January 09, 2006


Random ThoughtsHas it ever happened to you… that you want to cry and the person in front of you telling you are strong and you’ll make it through. That person loves you and can’t see you cry… still you feel like bursting out… what the hell I am not strong I want to let go of pain I want to cry I want to talk… And what you actually do is take a deep breath gather your entire courage n smile… you’ll be fine………but does the frustration go away?!
I don’t know why so much fuss is made over tears… I agree I’d cry only in extreme conditions but then at that time I do need to cry… what is the use of holding back all the grief and letting it mount to an unbearable degree. Tears don’t mean that I am incapable of solving the problem… or that I have lost all hope and strength… I just want to express the pain I am going through. I am free to smile when I am happy but not to cry when I am sad… why so?! A smiling face always looks better but not everything in life is beautiful some things are just the way they are… not beautiful but they aren’t bad. I feel it’s ok to cry. Like it’s ok to make mistakes and learn from them… it is also alright to feel sorry for yourself if you don’t change it self pity drag your life on it… excess of anything can be bad. But sometimes we can let go for our inhibitions and cry… can’t we?!
The thing that I have seen in abundance and learned the hard way in the past few months is that… there is a wide gap between what is said and what is done!
I know most of you would feel that I have learned it too late… well may be I was happy believing people… ignorance is a bliss you know. But you can’t afford to remain ignorant lifelong at some point of time you have to open your eyes and face the realities. People don’t keep their word, lots of promises go unfulfilled… but I am not talking about these things… not being able to come up to someone else’s expectations is one thing but failing your own self is something different. I am amazed when people don’t even stand up for themselves… forget expressing their desires most don’t even bother about respect… you can have your way around them… because all they care about is that they shouldn’t be thrown out of the herd. They just move with the flow and speak with the wind… right or wrong who cares?!
Everyone is happy with the mediocrity of the situation… who’d bother enough to go for something bigger when you are getting things free here… after all what does it cost a little bit of self-esteem?! I have seen really good people lose touch with who they really are and accept a lower position than they deserve… I amazed how easily they sacrifice their dreams and ambition and begin believing that they deserve what they have got.
Why can’t people stand up for what they believe in… I don’t mean that you need to fight every time… but if you don’t ask you don’t get. At least don’t accept things blindly… live up to your won thoughts and words.