Thursday, August 18, 2005

Tell What Is Living To You

I had written this back in the 11th std.

Is it about the countless smiles?
Or faith on people separated by miles
Is it love of a friend?
Or a trust that will never end
Tell me what is living all about

Friends for keepsAnd shoulders to weep
Is it facing all problems
Or just filling the empty columns
With laughter and tears
Hopes and fears
Is it meddling with faith and destiny?
Or just accepting life’s mutiny
Tell what is living all about

Is it having all you want and none to share?
Or sharing all and yet no one around to care
Is it a dream of the future?
Or hope from the past
Tell me what is living all about

Is it assuming all to be fair and true?
Or helping people through their blues
Is it the laughter that lightens the pain?
Or the tears that pour in vain
Tell me what is living all about

Tell me your hopes and dreams
Let me know the world you see
The sorrow and the pain you bear
The laughter and jest you share
Tell what to you is living all about


Tony Sebastian said...

this is jus too good man!!

Rahul said...

hey,seems like u think a loads 'n guess ws nt happy with the way life ws,weneva u wrote dis!Newayz,like i always say,nethin rite frm de heart is sure to make it's way to othr, lemme tell u,unlike many othrs, wat i felt is different in ur page is tht wen i leave dis place, i donn remmber u 4 de no. of posts bt rather 4 their quality....mesmerizin....