Thursday, August 18, 2005

Simple ways to vlunteer

I had written this article for an organisation called AID... though i'm not the active member but i would surely like to work for the cause...
Here's the article....

My mother often tells me a story she read somewhere... about a man who picked up star fish brought on shore by high tide and threw them back in to the sea one by one. He knew he couldn't throw back all the fishes that were brought on shore by the tide, but he also knew he made a difference to each one he threw back.
The concept is so simple that we tend to overlook it. We don't realize how valuable our small gestures can be to someone. The first practical example I saw of this, was my grandfather, he used to distribute sweets to the children in the slums and helped the people there in whatever way he could, sometimes giving them money or things like clothes, even old furniture. You should've seen the way those children greeted him and the way their love warmed his heart... and ours too, they loved him and we loved them for it. This is simple isn't it?
You don't need to donate money to help; you need to give a bit of yourself. And trust me it's a wonderful feeling, when you realize that you have the ability to make someone smile.
I have seen so many people help the less fortunate. Some donate clothes to orphanages and home for the elderly. And trust me they look forward to their monthly visits to these places. It's an unforgettable experience each time. We admire such people, and sometimes envy them for the respect they get. Almost each one of us is deeply moved by the dreadful scenario of the slums, but unfortunately we never do anything about it. We feel who are we and what can we do to help these would be good enough if we could help ourselves. Well.... when we call them less fortunate then obviously we have more than them and we are capable of helping them out in whatever little way we can.
There are a million ways in which we can help, and donating things and money to non profit organizations like AID is just one of it. Remember the idea is to open your heart to someone else and make a place for ourselves in their heart. It might almost seem effortless once we all start doing our bit. And yes not to forget our pet problem time... I think that God will never give us a day when we have time for everything. We got to make our own time for the things we want to do from the 24 hours on our hand, and in this case it’s for the things we need to do.
Remember as children we never had to make an effort to help anyone. Do you realize why... because we had empathy for our fellow beings. We didn't look down on anyone; we never thought of it as giving we shared things. Those people don't need our sympathy they need us to share a little bit of our fortune with them...


Rahul said...

hey!donn ask me wat comments hav i got coz all i wish to write can't juz be written 'n all i gotta say is tht i felt a certain warmth 'n a tingy feelin in me readin dis... so guess,it's juz directly dil se....

Panda said...

hey naveen thanks for ur comment pal... :)